
We are short a nurse and a half at work. A nurse and a half, you ask? Yes. One because...and I'm not making this got drunk and broke her leg (at home at least) and one half because our last new hire from a few months ago is slightly more useful than absolutely useless.…

The Empties

I am really surprised that I am having to make a daily choice not to drink. I guess that was overconfidence since I have only been dry for six months but it *felt* like "I want a drink" was behind me. I had not had a crisis or a heartbreak cross my path in that…

175 days

That's a big number. Somehow realizing I had not been drinking for two or three days became not drinking for 175 more days. Not really "somehow" more like "I finally had e-fucking-nough." I had enough. I had drunk all the vodka and whiskey and wine and beer. I had frequented all the liquor stores. I had…

From here

In 2010 I was 35 and I rarely drank. By the end of 2012 I knew I was drinking too much. I had a couple of semi-horrifying decisions under my belt (or my bed?) proving that Drunk Girl really should not have the keys to my life. In 2013 I was moderately concerned I might…